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What can you do?

1. Join our Mailing List

We operate a mailing list for occasional news and specific actions you can take. 
Subscribe to our mailing list.

2. Keep Informed

The AirportWatch website provides frequent updates on UK aviation and airport expansion.

You can subscribe to their mailing list and/or their Facebook page.

3. Show your Opposition

Come along to the rallies and demonstrations which take place from time to time.

We announce these on our home page and via our mailing list.

4. Tell the Government your views

Respond to Government consultations.

We will remind you of these via our mailing list.

Write to ministers and MPs.

5. Contribute your Expertise

The Richmond Heathrow Campaign:

  • Encourages visible public opposition to the proposals for Heathrow expansion
  • Develops research to influence individuals and organisations who in turn may be able to influence the Government’s decisions on Heathrow

If you have any expertise which you think might be helpful – particularly in PR, publicity, or public policy – please email us.

6. Write to Newspapers

As specific issues arise – such as runway alternation, night flights or the third runway – please write to the national and local press to make your opinion clear. If you would like any guidance on this, please email us.

7. Join Up!

We encourage you to join one of our constituent organisations: The Richmond Society or The Kew Society.


If you want to report noise ...

If you have a complaint about a specific aircraft noise incident, please contact Heathrow Airport:

Always include the date and time, together with your name, address and postcode.

Heathrow Landing and Takeoff flightpaths

Normally, Heathrow alternates the use of runways for landing at night over a four week cycle, and during daytime over a two week cycle.

For the duration of the Pandemic this alternation schedule may be varied, for example to accommodate single runway operations.

Click here for Heathrow’s page giving the runway alternation schedules.

You can check on planes flying into Heathrow, and the resulting sound levels, on Webtrak. This includes a Historical facility, which is useful for identifying flights that may have disturbed you in the early morning.